3d – Animation
Germany (2012)
3 min 30 sec
Idea and Animation: Susanne Wiegner
Speaker: Helmut Becker
Cinematic transformation of a text passage of Kafka’s diary of the 4th of october
1911, where he describes his room in the dark without its own lightening in a
very detailed, almost scientific manner.
The camera takes the position of the observer in the room and catches with
minimal movements and approaches, the described color gradients,
the fading of shadows and glossiness, the changing of the spatial situation
by the light.
Certain frames remains blended in the background, while the film goes on, to
enforce the static character of the video. This resumes a consideration of Kafka
about the Kaiserpanorama in Friedland, he described in his diary also in
the year 1911:
„The pictures alive, as in cinematography, for they afford a gaze into the quiet
of reality. The cinematograph gives the spectators the disquiet of their
movement, the quiet of reality seems more important. Glassy floor of the
cathedral before our tongue. Why is there no fusion of cinema and
stereoscopy in this way?“
(Reisetagebuch Friedländer Reise, Jänner 1911)