works march 20/64 kalymnos (2024) Looking Glass (2023) when wishing still helped (2022) backdrop (2021) ruhwunsch (2021) yesterday’s tomorrow morning (2021) Bellevue (2020) moments (2019) listen! (2019) Abysm (2018) sunrise (2018) melting fields (2018) soliloquy (2017) To Lou Andreas-Salomé (2017) noctilucent clouds (2017) contemplation is watching (2016) future in the past (2016) Kaspar Hauser Song (2014) Love in the Age of the EU (2014) the light – the shade (2014) home! sweet home! (2014) inside my room (2013) [meine heimat] (2012) something I remember (2012) at the museum (2012) one moment passes (2011) Kafka’s Room on 4th of October 1911 (2012) just midnight (2010) imagines et loci (2009) constant dripping or no escape (2009) expeditio (2007) Kafka’s Metamorphosis (2006)